Fogás Frete - Para Revendas

by Fogás Distribuidora de Gás



★★ AVAILABLE IN THE STATES OF ACRE, AMAPÁ, AMAZONAS, MATO GROSSO, PARÁ, RONDÔNIA AND RORAIMA, SOUTH MINAS GERAIS AND VALE DO PARAÍBA IN SÃO PAULO.★★1 - Register with the Fogás team;2 - Install the Fogás Freight App;3 - Log in to the Fogás Freight App;4 - Define the service route, the freight price and register the vehicle(s) that will be used in deliveries;5 - Now just wait to be chosen by one of the Fogás resellers for you to accept the order and start to start your calls.Fogás Freight - Transport cylinders to Dealers.